What We Do

Forrest Synergi is a revolutionary new way to build biodiversity. Every time you make a crypto transaction, a tree will be planted as part of a forest.

Our Vision

Focuses on Forrests

Forrest Synergi is on a mission to help people find their way back to nature. We believe that by restoring our forrests and environment to a more vital and natural state, we can access a much-needed inner compass to help navigate our busy, modern lives. Forrest building is about welcoming home our instincts and innate connection with the natural world. We offer a practical process that helps people connect with nature in a deeper way and learn that an investment on NFTs and the planet is the best way home.

Our Works

What We Do

Restore Ecosystems

Restore ecosystems by rewilding them. This will help to ensure the survival of various species and preserve the natural balance of the environment.

Protect Biodiversity

We can help protect biodiversity by consciously supporting eco-friendly initiatives, enjoying the outdoors, and educating others .

Tackle Climate Change

Climate change is a real and pressing problem, and we are committed to doing our part to help solve it.

We Plant Tree

We plant trees to help restore biodiversity and regenerate ecosystems. By planting trees, we can help increase the populations of plants and animals.

Buy a tree and invest in the future with an NFT

Start a Forest