Dead Trees NFTs – Special Halloween Release
For this halloween, Forrest Synergi is releasing a special collection of dead, dark trees, who’s sombre blackened shells are a spooky reminder of the tremendous losses our plant has suffered.
This release is not just about loss, but celebrates rebirth, and the flourishing of a bright and sustainable future for all the generations to come.
Each NFT Purchased enables Forrest Synergi plants a new tree. This NFT release involves NFTs with 6 Tree designs, each molded after a particular tree which provided countless humans nurture during their lives:
Dead Acer Rebrum NFT
This dead tree is a dark reflection of a once brilliant red leafed’ Acer Rebrum tree, known for it’s striking hue. This tree will never again light up the world in red and yellow, but the owner of this NFT has planted a new tree, in who’s broad boughs, woodland creatures will play and shelter in for untold years to come. This person’s contribution to the rewilding has restored a lost part of the natural world, and while the we mourn the passing of this great Maple, thanks is owed to the one who helped replace it.
Dead Cypress NFT
This dead tree is a dark reflection of a once mighty Cypress tree known it’s eternally green foliage, drinking light and diffusing life giving oxygen for centuries before it met it’s end. This tree will never again breath life into the world, but the owner of this NFT has planted a new tree, in who’s broad boughs, woodland creatures will frolic and dance in for untold years to come. This person’s contribution to the rewilding has restored a lost part of the natural world, and while the we mourn the passing of this great Cypress, thanks is owed to the one who helped replace it.
Dead Euterpe Prectoria NFT
This dead tree is a dark reflection of a once gentle and kind Euterpe Precatoria tree, known for their tender hearts and bountiful fruit. This tree will never again breath life into the world, but the owner of this NFT has planted a new tree, in who’s tall boughs, woodland creatures will sing and feed their young in for untold years to come. This person’s contribution to the rewilding has restored a lost part of the natural world, and while the we mourn the passing of this lonely Euterpe Precatoria, thanks is owed to the one who helped replace it.
Dead Golden Trumpet NFT
This dead tree is a dark reflection of a once glorious, resplendent Golden Trumpet tree, known for their stunning yellow flowers, which dye the forests a radiant gold. This tree will never again breath life into the world, but the owner of this NFT has planted a new tree, in who’s beautiful foliage, woodland creatures will sing and flourish in for untold years to come. This person’s contribution to the rewilding has restored a lost part of the natural world, and while the we mourn the passing of this once effervescent Golden Trumpet, thanks is owed to the one who helped replace it.
Dead Gumtree NFT
This dead tree is a dark reflection of a once honerable and kind Gum, known for nurturing animals and people alike and helping to protect against drought, soil depletion and habitat loss. This tree will never again breath life into the world, but the owner of this NFT has planted a new tree, in who’s strong roots and growing trunk will protect all who are near for untold years to come. This person’s contribution to the rewilding has restored a lost part of the natural world, and while the we mourn the passing of this once strong and sheltering gum, thanks is owed to the one who helped replace it.
Dead Oak NFT
This dead tree is a dark reflection of a once benevolent and wise Oak Tree, known for giving shelter and homes for all manner of woodland creatures. This tree will never again breath life into the world, but the owner of this NFT has planted a new tree, in who’s strong roots and great branching boughes will reach skyward for years to come, offering shelter and oxygen for all. This person’s contribution to the rewilding has restored a lost part of the natural world, and while the we mourn the passing of this once great and noble Oak tree, thanks is owed to the one who helped replace it.